Thursday, August 30, 2012

Who I Am ...


I'm 24 and a full time employee at Blizzard Entertainment as well as a full-time student at Austin Community College. I'm working on getting my associates in Business Administration and then transferring on to either UT or Texas State for my Accounting degree. 

Apparently I am considered a Post-Modern. Some points I read in regards to the "Where do you fit?" quiz describe me very well but the majority not so much. I have honestly no clue where I sway when it comes to politics. I've always been one to stay away and not care so much. You could say I'm quite a bit naive in regards to the US Government. >.< 

I did register for the 2008 elections but I ended up not voting at all merely due to the fact that I had no clue what Obama or even McCain were standing up for. I'd rather not vote if it means me just picking based on guesses.

I am taking this class not only because it is a required course but because I have a LOT to learn. I don't want to be naive forever. Haha I mean... I got 4 out of 11 questions correct on the Current Events quiz. (I don't watch or even read about the news. >.<) And then I got a 45.45% on the Civics quiz. Hopefully I can come out of this class scoring much better than that!

Anyways... sorry for the extremely long intro. =) 

Have a good semester!


PS. This information can also be found in the handy dandy section "That's Me"! =)